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Wednesday, 11 November 2015

CDK Global Interview Experince

Written test: 
  • 50questns - 60min - no negative marking 
  • 30 Quantitative, Reasoning, English
  • 20 Programming (C,Java) + subjects(major is DBMS)
Group Discussion: 
completely based on English
Went for 50 min approximate.
  1. Asked to explain my project. Asked 5-6 research questions in my project(why this happens, what if something happens, what of that fails etc)
  2. Code related to my project( database connection and sockets connections)
  3. Cohesion n coupling, spiral model vs waterfall model, different testings.
  4. Duplicates in doubly linked list program.
  5. Program of Doubly linked list insertion at a particular index.
  6. Given a sentence write a program to reverse each word without an extra array. 
  7. Given a sentence write a program to to reverse each alphabet upto a particular given index and the rest of the sentence should be normally printed. Asked to optimise the code for 3 times.
  8. DFS and BFS and their applications.
  9. Program on Febinoci series without recursion in two ways and with recursion. 
  10. Why object oriented? Procedural lang Vs Object Oriented languae, Concepts of OOP and examples.
  11. Different access specifiers and their working.
  12. What is user defined data types, structure and a sample program. Difference between class and a struct.
  13. Gave 3 puzzles(i did two and one partially).
  14. Why have you chosen Java as your comfortable lang rather than c?
Senior Managerial:
For me its just for 10min. They are testing not only your communication but your attitude and your confidence at a particular situation.
  1. Given a situation and asked what will you do if your are there.
  2. Why have you chosen M.Tech? What was the most interesting question asked for you and y its interesting for you?
  3. Why are you comfortable with Java?
  4. Justify yourself that your acts and decisions are perfect all the time so far in your life (  he is impressed n ans was appreciated )
Note: for this round just don't go with the question try to answer differently and frankly what you think.
  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Tell me about your family background.
  3. How passionate you are in coding?
  4. Have you given up on any program?
  5. Will you help and also take help from others if required even if you don't like that person in personal ?
  6. What are your hobbies in technical and non technical side ? discuss why?
  7. Why M.Tech? Y didn't u go for a job after B.Tech?
  8. What is difference that can you observe in yourself from B.Tech to M.Tech as a human not in technical(He appreciated my ans )
  9. Any current offers ? Y are u leaving your current offer?
  10. In which way u think CDK is apt work place for you?
  11. Where do you want to look yourself in long term and short term how will you achieve them?
  12. What are your motivations in technical and non technical ?
Source: Yeswanth M.Tech IT(2014 - 2016)

Sunday, 20 September 2015

TCS Service Interview Experience 2015

Three rounds 1. written  2. technical 3. HR

written exam will be of 80 min - 30 questions of quantitative aptitude

Technical Round: 
  1. Gave three logical questions(numerical puzzles)
  2. About project
  3. As I mentioned java in my resume they started asking java like OOPS concepts, collections, generics
  4. Extends vs implements
  5. Sample socket programming code
  6. Database connectivity code
  7. Prepared statements and stored procedures
  8. Object serialization
  9. What do threads shares? how many diff ways that you can write a thread code
  10. Few questions on multi threading.
  11. Abstract vs interface
  12. Binary search tree algorithm
  13. Asked me to write a program to implement two threads accessing count variable
  14. Wait() vs join() vs notify()
  15. Gave a question and asked to implement the same in SQL, relational algebra and relational calculus.
  16. Jvm architecture
  17. Exception handling in java
  18. Finally vs catch with a code 
  19. Life cycle of a thread
 For me its 45-50 mins of technical interview. 

HR Round:
  1. Tell me about your family.
  2. Recent movie and narrate the story of it.
  3. About hobbies
  4. Are you willing to relocate
  5. Bond and package

Note: keep a smile on your face throughout and what ever they ask just answer confidently. They just want to check your communication skills and confidence.

Source: Yeswanth (M.Tech IT 2014-16)

TeraData Interview Experience 2015

Technical Round 1:

  1. Write a code to determine the length of a string with and without using Recursion?
  2.  Write a code for binary search tree tand how will you determine the height of that tree?
  3.  What is segmentation fault? Write a program to generate segmentation fault?
  4.  Write a program to check whether two strings are anagrams or not? He asked me to write the code in an optimized way.
    Anagrams: Two words are said to be anagrams of each other if the letters from one word can be rearranged to form the other word.
  5. What does the below function will do?  
    func ( char *str1, char *str2) {
    while( *str1++ = *str2++);
  6. Create mirror image of binary search tree. 
    Refer the following link: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/write­an­efficient­c­function­to­convert­a­tree­into­its­mirror­tree/
  7. I am having 5 million files. How will you find out the lager file(in terms of size) among all the files?How will you solve this problem using MapReduce approach?
In the first round, he asked more about strings and pointers.

Technical Round 2:

  1. Write a code to determine the duplicate elements in the given array and he asked me to optimize the code in terms of time complexity?
  2. Given an array of elements, how will you find out the mean,median and mode?Which is the best data structure to solve this problem?
  3. How will you implement the heap data structure and why we need heeps?
  4. How will you balance the tree? Some questions on AVL tress?
  5.  Asked my B.Tech project in detail and implementation details?
  6. How will you find out the kth smallest element in the given array? He asked me about optimizations? Solutions: 1. Navie approach  2. Heap datastructure  3. Using partitioning approach(Quick Sort idea)
Third approach is the best solution.

Technical Round 3 & HR:

  1. Why quick sort is best sorting algorithm compared to other sorting algorithms. Give your observations?
  2. He given some C puzzles and asked me the output?(Basic C concepts:storage classes and memory management)?
  3. Why TeraData?
  4. Asked project details
  5. What are your future goals?
  6. Asked background, and my personal details
Source: K Chaitanya Priyadarsini (M.Tech IT 2014-16)

One Convergence Interview Experience 2015

Written Test:
I  had 5 sections (1.CN 2.C 3.OS 4.Java 5.Algo and DBMS), each section had 15 questions and duration was 75 min. There was sectional cutoff and negative marking as well. These were GATE level questions.

Interview was on a later date and had elimination rounds.

Round 1:
  1. A new protocol is defined with following header fields : 2 bytes for holding the size of the payload, 2 bits to set the fields, 1 byte to hold the description of the protocol. Create a packet with header and payload and how you would set the flags. Based on the above question explain structure padding and why is it needed.
  2.  Given two strings, treat them as parent string and a child string. Check whether the child string is present in the parent string or not. If child string is present in the parent string, then reverse the child string part of the parent string and print the parent string.
  3. You do "ping www.google.com" , explain the step-by-step process of how this is implemented in linux and in OSI.
  4. For the above question, he asked how would it happen if there were VLAN's.
  5. What is NAT, why you need it and what is static NAT and dynamic NAT.

Round 2:
  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What is the difference between mutex and semaphore.
  3. When you use mutex and when you use semaphore.
  4. Write a program using mutex and semaphores
  5. How you achieve synchronization in DB.
  6. Where do you use trees in real world?
  7. Tell me different stages of compilation and give an example of what happens at each stage.
  8. Program to reverse linked list.

Round 3:
  1. There was a program written on board with all the storage classes in it and asked me to explain each statement in it with respect to C program memory layout.
  2. What happens when i call a recursive function indefinitely
  3. Why does stack overflow happen.
  4. What data structure will you use to implement a routing table and why did i choose it. 
  5. What is the time complexity of all quicksort. Is there any sorting technique with a better, worst case time complexity. Which would you prefer quick sort or mergesort and why did i prefer it.
  6. What is IPC. What would you use to make it happen.
  7. How will you create a child process and a thread.Where are threads created and where are child created. How are they different from one another.
  8. What is segmentation fault and how does it occur.
  9. When you initialize a variable and later access it, will there be any context switching from user mode to kernel mode. If segmentation fault occurs at this point of time, what part of the kernel detects it.
  10. What would you do to reduce the context switching from user to kernel modes.
      In my resume i mentioned CN, DS and OS as my areas of interest. So all the questions were based on them. In all, i was interviewed for 3 hrs. After every round HR will take you to next panel and during this time he will make small talk, i believe that was the HR round. Also they might ask questions from your written test, though they dint ask me any.

Source: Srikanth K(M.Tech(2014-16))

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Tera data Interview experience 2015

Technical Round 1:

1.      String copy own implementation with and without recursion
             strcpy ( char *str1, char *str2) {                       
                        while( *str1++ = *str2++);
            for further details of string copy, check dennis ritchi  5th chapter .
2.      ow to find height of a binary /binary search tree

            I have written code using recursion

                        int height ( struct Node * root) {
                                    if ( root == NULL )  return 0 
                                    else { 
                                                MAX(1+height( 1+root->left)  , 1+height(root->right))
            It works when we assume root is at height 1 ,but they asked me to assume root node height    is 0.
3.      create mirror image of binary search tree
4.      given two strings find the common characters between two strings ( specifications were missing , so asked about clarity )
            ex  : srinu and  siddu     then    s,i,u  are common

            multiple ways are there to answer this question  . One way is,

            let's  S1 = “srinu”   S2 = “siddu”
            for ( i = 0; i < strlen(S1); i++) {
                        count[S1[i]-'a'] ++;

            for ( i = 0 ; i < strlen(S2); i++) {
                        if( count[S2[i] != 0 ) {
                                    Common[k++] = S2[i];

5.      concepts related to sorting
            1.Bucket sort,
            2.counting sort
6.      Is there any way to do sorting of N elements in O(N) ?
            As far As I know O(N log N ) is the best complexity to sort the elements if range of elements               is not given. Explained about sorting little bit.

Technical Round 2:

1.      asked me to insert elements into binary search tree ,by giving skeleton of Binary tree

      2.asked about AVL and B trees properties .

      3. write a program to print decending order of elements in the binary search tree ?

            for this question we just need to  exchange two recursive calls in inorder traversal
            struct Node {
                int data;
                struct Node *left;
                struct Node *right;
            int inorder( struct Node * root) {
                  if( root == NULL ) return;
            else {
                   inorder( root->right);
         Other approch is push elements into stack instead of printing in the inorder
         traversal , then finally pop all elements from the stack and print.
4.      asked me to trace the recursive calls in inorder traversal ?
            How activation records will be stored in stack for each call, and which
      calls will be evaluated first  etc.
5.      given set of elements find the elements which are not repeated ? 
            many ways to do it 
            a) sort the array and compare adjacent elements .
            b) use neive approch ( two for loops  )

            for ( i = 0; i < N ; i++ ) {
                        count = 0;
                        for ( j = 0; j < N; j++) {
                                    if( (Array[i]  == Array[j])  && (i != j) ) {
                                                count++ ;
                                    if( count >0)
                        if( count == 0) {
                                    Nonrepeated[k++] = Array[i];

6.      find the 5th max element in the given huge array  ?
            a) sort the array in decending order and return element in 5th position
            b) use linked list , as and when an element is being read ,insert into appropriate location of                       list  ( sorted linked list concept ) . if list is decending order the from the starting ,5th                             element is the max element. If it is ascending order then again we have to use concept of                     finding N'th element from the back.

Technical Round 3:

Mainly asked about project details , back ground, and my personal details
Write a c program to find the index of an element in the circular queue , insertion deletion and index functions I have writen .
HR Round (TELEPHONY)     1.      Tell me about your self.     2.      Why did you choose HCU     3.      why tera data ?     4.      What are the companys visit HCU     5.      what will you do if you get job in other company , which one will you prefer  and why ?     6.      what did you get from morning session given  ( pre palcement talk )     7.      how many years do you want to work in this company ?     8.      What is your future goal


In each and every round they have asked me about my project details. So be  prepared some thing about your project what you want to explain.

My sincere advice is,if you are not clear with the specification of question being asked , ask it once again without any second thought.

Explain each and every thing on paper, write the code each and every step ( Algorithm is also enough).

Source:  SRINIVASA RAO SIDDANI(M.Tech CS 2014-2016)

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

AINS Interview Experience

Written test

Duration-90 mins, Total questions=75(55 technical + 20 aptitude), No negative marking

1. Mainly consist of questions from data structure and algorithms. Question related to sorting algorithms, Preorder traversal, postoreder traversal, Output of some C programs realted to array, pointers and recursion.

2. Questions based on basic concepts of java and C++ like abstract class, constructer etc.

3. Aptitude section consist of 20 questions. it will require more time so manage your time accordingly.

Attempt atleast 5-10 questions from aptitude.


1. Introduce yourself and tell something which is not in your resume.?

2. As i have mentioned DS & ALGO  my favourite subjects. They asked me to explain quick sort with example and when it is better to use quick sort.

3. Explain bubble sort with example and its time complexties .

4. How u r getting these complexities.

5. Normal questions regarding whether you are interest in Development or Testing.

Some other question asked to other students in Interview

1. Explain B+ tree.

2. Projects mentioned in the resume.

source: Ram sharma(M.Tech IT)

Friday, 10 April 2015

One Convergence Interview Experience

Interview Questions :
As my area of Interest was Unix Network Programming so he started asking from that.
  1. Difference between file descriptor and file Pointer?
  2. Suppose a process reads/writes something from a file and the same content should be printed on the console.How you will do?
  3. How does printf and scanf work in the background ?
  4. Suppose a parent process open a file for reading and later forks a child process.Then from where would the child process begin reading in the file(either from start or after some bytes)? Explain what will be the difference when file is opened once using open and later using fopen ?

Then he saw my resume again, and started asking from C and OS(as it was mentioned there).
  1. He gave me a structure and asked me the sizeof() of that structure.
  2. Then he asked me the complete concept of Structure Padding in detail(within memory).
  3. He asked me the concepts of Internal and External Fragmentation.
  4. What is Paging , and Segmentation related concepts.
  5. Bit manipulation related Questions :
    1. Suppose you have a decimal number then write the logic to find the number of 1's in its binary.
    2. Asked about all the bitwise operators and their uses.
  6. Asked about strings and to implement strcmp.

 These all questions were asked in first round(around 45 minutes).

Source: Aditya Singh(M.Tech(CS))

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Bonaven Interview Experience

Written Test :

Total Five Questions each one has sub questions except one .

Questions :

  1. Linux commands : 
    1. list the directories in the file. 
    2. Identifying the string in a file . 
    3. store the web page when URL is given. 
    4. Linux command for test the connectivity with www.google.com.
  2.  Open source   and some Tools .give the name of open source tools in given field
    1. Databases 
    2. Web servers
    3. Operating systems
    4. Word processors.
    5. No SQL databases.
    6. Integrated Development  Environment ‘s. 
    7. APIs
  3.  In Facebook social networking , there are 100 users and u have friends . now write a program/Algorithm for updating the NEWS feed from every friend and show on your wall . Answer : Well try by your self first .i wrote like this ,first there are two threads in the user side. One which  sends the News to our friends list which is based on time stamp (say every 10 or 20 secs) .second which collects the News feed  which are sent by our friends. Now  if we plot the connections between the friends we will get the Graph which are used to represent our friends connection with us. The News feed sent to another friend has an id using this we can identify them from preventing the duplicate news. Once a friend receive our news will check if it already with him it will discarded .if not he (his thread) will send to another friend connected to him so it will become broadcast type . (it means the news feed already sent to him and send to another friends also through this everybody can get information and send ) . this was my answer and I gave a program of c code which just give abstract how it works (no implementation ). Well you write more if u can it was time up moment to I end it here.
  4. Write about following : 
    1. Mutual exclusion. 
    2. Paging 
    3. Web Services 
    4. Remote procedure calls(RPC) 
Technical + HR interview:

  1. In which programming your are good?                                                                                    Ans. Java and learning python.
  2.  What is Decorator (python)?
  3. Difference  tuple and List (python)? 
  4. Constructors  I java ,new operator ?
  5. Difference between       Add  a ;       Add  a = new Add();
  6. Different types of Inheritance?
  7. How can we achieve multiple inheritance in java?
  8. Difference between Interface and  Abstract ?
  9. How many different ways for implementing  (Multi) threads   ?
  10. How  can we implement the Synchronization  between  threads?                                        Ans. a) Synchronize blocks , procedure  b) lock object  before accessing
  11. Code the synchronization of threads using mentioned above methods?  
  12. About project 1 min?
  13. Areas of interest? 
  14. How much salary you expect ? 

Source: Rahul Kuntala(M.Tech(I.T))

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Amazon Interview Experience

Written Test:

  1. 20 Technical Question Similar to GATE only. Preparation from GEEKSFORGEEKS will be helpful.
  2. Two Coding problem. You have to write 2 programs. Language can be c/c++/java. Programming structure will be available in the editor. Need not to take input or print the output. Everything is already written in the editor. You have just write the logic in the //write your code segment.

Total duration of written exam is 90min.
Interview Questions:
There were two rounds of interview. Both are technical only.
Round 1:
Questions asked mainly from Data Structure and Algorithms. Few questions from os. For all question you have to write the code. It was must for both the interview.

  1. Write a code to inverse a link list in a block. Ex: input:1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->N Output:3->2->1->6->5->4->9->8->7->N(for block size 3).
  2. Write a code to build a binary tree from a given tree binary were in each level you have to swap the left child and right child.(It is not a problem to form the mirror of a tree.)
  3. Write a code to find loop in a link list. If loop is there remove it.
  4. A sorted array is given. Write a code to search for two numbers whose sum is equal to a given no N.
  5. Two sorted arrays are given. 2nd array size is enough to store the all elements of array1 and array2. Write a code to merge array1 and array2 and create a sorted array without taking any extra array.
  6. A number is given. Write a code to replace a particular digit in that number with another digit. Ex: input: 568456955, output: 968496999(replacing 5 with 9).
  7. What is thrashing?
Round 2:

  1. Two link lists are merged after some point. Write a code to find that node.
  2. One unsorted array is given. You have to replace a number which is more than that number and position wise nearer in right side. If such number is not available no need to replace.             Ex: input: 29763485 output: 99884885

All problems can be solved using brute force method. Try to solve the problem with less complexity. For all problems they will tell you to find the bugs in your code. If it is there you have to fix it. You have to write test cases for all codes. You also have to analysis the complexity of your code.

Source: Dipanjan Roy(M.Tech(I.T))

IBM ISL Interview Experience

Written Test:
18 questions from series. 18 questions from aptitudes. For each question there is a time of 135sec. You have to answer that question within given time slot. You can’t jump you have to go serially.
All are very simple questions.
30 Questions to be answered in 40 minutes.
Questions mainly included

  • Predict C program output (about 15 questions) 
  • Few questions from C++, OOP concept.
  • Few question from Operation systems, networking, and databases.
  • One question on design pattern.

(GATE preparation is enough to answer all the questions, simple and straight question not tricky.)
Interview Question:
Round 1:

  • Asked for my subject of interest. (Didn’t asked any question from there.)
  • What is the best problem you have ever solved?
  • Spiral programming code.
  • UNIX syntax.
  • ACID properties.
  • SQL.
  • Critical section problem.

Round 2:

  • 2D matrix is given. Write a code to find the element 0 and replace the corresponding row and column with 0s.
  • Design a table which will keep track of trains and the platforms in such a way that it can answer 
    1. The number of train visit between two given stations.
    2.  For a given train no what are stations it will stop?
    3. You have to consider the junction also.
    4. Data anomaly should not present.
    5. For a station what are the train no which will stop and which will not stop in that station.

The number of interview and toughness of interview you will face depends on the marks you will get in the written exam. If you are in top 3 you have a great chance to crack the interview. The live coding may appear for you if you are not in top 3. So your fate in interview is written in your written exam.
Source: Dipanjan Roy(M.Tech(I.T.))

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Gnana Analytics Interview Experience

Written Test:
Contains 10 question of programs Click Here. Duration is 6hrs.
Interview questions:
        Single round around 2 to 3 Hrs.
  1. Hash Sets
  2. Java Exception handling try/finally/final/Static
  3. Abstract classes
  4. Abstract classes versus interfaces
  5. Override abstract method of a abstract class
  6. Java over riding and overloading
  7. Run-time and compile time binding
  8. Pyrhon program to find duplicate elements of a array in order of n
  9. Heap sort
  10. Quicksort implementation
  11. Inner, outer right outer joins
  12. Hash function
  13. Big data concepts
  14. Sql vs big data(Why Big data)
  15. K-means clustering
  16. Deletions of double linked lists
  17. Comparator in Java
  18. Compareto function of Comparator class
  19. Hash code of strings
  20. Sql query
  21. Second max salary
  22. Nested Sql queries
  23. Circular Linked List advantage
  24. Program to Sort a Linked List
  25. Unix Commands
  26. Who will do Feature subset selection in datasets(important attributes).
  27. Shell program to count the number of lines of document
  28. Virtualization, OpenStack concepts
  29. ArrayList vs Arrays
  30. Array vs Linked List
  31. Priority Queues
  32. Binary search Trees traversal
  33. Private addressing
  34. Proxy vs reverse proxy
  35. Load balancer vs reverse proxy
  36. Classless addressing
  37. Special ip addresses
  38. Tcp layer/Ip layer description
  39. Java util packages
  40. Free operator
  41. Data mining concepts
  42. Semaphore and Critical section
  43. Threads,array of threads,thread life cycle
Source: Anvesh Kumar S(M.Tech(IT))

Cavium Networks Interview Experience

Written Test:

1: c basics-enum,pointers
2: system calls (using system calls for printf write a small funtion)
3: #include<stdlib.h>
    int main()
     int *p,*q,*r;
     return 0;
    Does p,q and r point to the same location?

4: typedef struct tree* NODE
    struct tree
     int info;
     struct tree *leftMostSibling,*rightSibling;
  int fun(NODE root)
    int value=0;
 What does function 'fun' returns?

5:What is the output of the program given below?
   void fun(int *p)
   int main()
     int *p=NULL;
         printf("p is not null");
    return 0;

6: little endian,big endian
    int main()
     int a=0xabcdef;
     char *p;
     return 0;
   What is the output?

Technical round 1:
  • Introduce yourself
  • Operating system concepts like paging,virtual memory, memory management unit,system calls,fork(),exec
  • discussion on written paper.
  • C concepts like pointers, function pointers, program address space, malloc,little endian, big endian
Technical round 2:
  • Data structures
  • Linked list and trees
  • Boot strap process
Technical round 3:
  • bit wise manipulations in c
Source: Bhavana Atchutuni(M.Tech(CS))

Quadratyx Interview Experience

Post: Software Engineer[to be trained as a junior data scientist]

Written test:

6 Questions just to see yours analytical and logical skills.
Duration- 1 hr

  1. logical/puzzle solving : just to see yours approach how you will solve it.
  2. Graph : write your own story after analyzing it.
  3. Technical question about OS. Difference between Windows n Linux.
  4. Technical question : Explain the shortest path concept.
  5. Some name was given and if you know about it then tell how it is related to BIG DATA.
  6. Innovative solution making for certain undefined problems. 

Techincal + HR Interview:

Duration- 15-45 minutes

There were 4 interviewers inside the room and the questions they asked:
Technical questions:

  • Which programming language you know very well
  • Write a program in that language 
  • Asked some of the basics of that language
  • Explain your project
  • Some questions from the written test to know my logic behind the solutions.

HR questions:

  • Tell me about your family background
  • What are your strengths
  • Why do you want to join Quadratyx
  • Where do you want to see yourself after five years from now.


  • For written test: attempt every question, they just want to see your logic and approach to solve it. No matter whether it is wrong or right.
  • Whatever is written in your resume you know it very well
  • Since it is company on Big data n Analytics, you should have some knowledge about data mining.
  • Be confident and explain everything clearly, its better to take some example to explain them.

Note: If more number of people will be selected after written test then GD round will be there.

Source: Manish Yadav(M.Tech(I.T))

Monday, 9 March 2015

Zen Technologies Interview Experience

Written Test
             Written exam having three topics namely geometry questions, Aptitude, basic C language questions.

Technical Round 1
             This round was face-to-face interview round in which candidate will be tested for his technical knowledge, Problem solving skills, puzzle solving skills, way of expressing himself etc.

Technical Round 2
             This one was done by company president MR. Kishore Dutt Atluri for checking the candidates way of talking, background and the previous project experience and what you know about company.

Technical Round 3
- Last round will be done by company chairman MR.Ashok Atluri to evaluate candidate on his opinion on the work and the company. If you reach this round, it conveys you have been selected.

  • Process takes many days. One must need patience.
  • Express yourself what you good at. In my case, I am bad at programming. I told the same and justified myself as good at problem solving. That's how I bagged the opportunity.
  • Be optimistic about the job. Check once http://www.zentechnologies.com before applying for it.
  • Last but not least “Don't care about the salary.” Just get the job first.
Source: Seshendra Babu(M.Tech(AI))

Friday, 6 March 2015

Greysrpings Interview Experience

Technical Round 1:

  • Tell me about yourself(I gave some info not present in resume)
  • Asked about project in detail
  • Difference between array and linked list in terms of Time Complexity
  • Asked to write code for random number generation.
  • And further asked to optimize it so that in 1000 numbers space generate no repletion of any number.
  • Write a code for to insert elements in a binary tree so that it will not allow duplicate numbers into the tree(both recursive & non recursive)
  • Mention any advance algorithms that you know(of-course he didn't asked anything about the algorithms  )
Technical Round 2:
  • Which C compiler do you use
  • Write Quick sort logic
  • In which case Quick sort will be worst case ( give an example) ?
  • What is Integer size and is it same for all the systems?
  •  What is Pointer size and is it same for all the systems? 
  • What decides the size of Pointer and Integer allocation(like Architecture,OS or Compiler)?
  • What is Paging?
  • What is Virtual Memory  and is it hardware or software?
  • Write power function code
  • Asked to  write code to reduce the time complexity of it(Generally it is having O(n))? 
Note: This interview mostly goes like testing our optimization skills.Whatever code we wrote they asked to reduce the time complexity.
Source: Raja Kanapaka(M.Tech (IT))

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Quadratyx Interview Experience

Written Test:
       6 Analytic and technical questions.
       Duration – 1 hr
       Questions will be like analysing a graph and describing it.
       Questions on logical/puzzle soling
       Questions like basic functions of operating systems and how those functions are different in both UNIX and Windows systems.
       Questions on BIG-DATA.
       Questions like innovative solution making for certain undefined problems.

Technical Interview :
        It is more like a technical and HR thing where there will be 4 interviewers and the questions are like
       Tell me about yourself
       what is your area of interest
       some  questions on our area of interest
       questions on the logic that we  used in the written test
       explain your project 
       why your percentage is less when compared to your intermediate percentage and all
       certain questions on project and the algorithms used in it
       what are your strengths
       why do you feel that it is your strength and give me an example
       why do you want to join Quadratyx
       where do you want see after five years from now
Note : don't give any abstract answers try to explain each and every thing in detail.Be confident.

They will ask questions on whatever is there in your resume. 

Source: N.Naresh(M.Tech(CS))

Teradata Interview Experience

Written Test :
  • 20 Technical questions (Gate range that covers OS,DS,C,CN)
  • Aptitude – 1 hr

Technical Interview(1-3 rounds) :
  • How to find the middle element in a linked list
  • Reversing a linked list
  • Merge sort
  • All pairs shortest path program but they did not mentioned name they told procedure and asked to write program
  • Explain logic of quick sort
  • Write a program to print prime numbers up to 100.after writing program they asked twice to optimize that program.
  • What is deadlock and deadlock prevention method.
  • In a programs are asking for WRITE permission for a single file then what will happen
  • How we implement a graph in program and data structure used for it.explain with example graph
  • They asked a logical question  about candles. U have 2 vessels which measures 5 lts and 2ltrs how will u measure 4 ltrs using only these 2 vessels.
Source: Y Varalaxmi(M.Tech(IT))

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Intergraph(Hexagon) Interview Experience

Written Test :
  • Aptitude : 25 (Easy and regular problems, RS Agarwal or Time Material is more than enough)
  • Technical : 25 (Most of the questions from Data Structures, C programs, some(1-3) of DBMS, OS)
  • Time : 1 Hr
    NOTE: Cut off for the written test is 30 out of 50. They also consider the previous academics to shortlist the students.

Technical Interview (1 or 2) 
          Number of technical rounds are based on panel, which is depends on marks obtained in written    test. Mostly, those who got good marks will have only one interview.
My interview – Only one interview with the senior member of the panel. It took around 20 -30 min.
  •  Tell me about yourself?
  •  Why did you left your job?
  •  Why did you studied M.Tech?
  •  Do you know Data Structures and Algorithms?
  •  Do you know C++?
  •  Some C++ questions like memory allocations, differences with other Object Oriented languages, STL library, benefits of C++.
  •  Some small and simple C programs. (you should answer very quickly)
  •  Simple questions on data structures like write code for double linked list implementation, trees etc. (Very easy and regular questions, just to check your approach and confidence)
  • Some logical questions, ex: there are 6 buckets, out of them first 3 filled with water and rest of them are empty, with in a single swap arrange them alternatively. (One water bucket followed by one empty bucket so on). Try to answer as quickly as possible (1 min).
  •  He asked about hobbies – I told cooking, chess, music.
  • He asked about some special dishes – how to prepare, Number of squares in a chess board (with explanation).
   Note:  Be honest and confident. Interviewer is so cool.  
HR Interview 
 It is just for formality, and very quick.
  •           How are you?
  •           How is your day?
  •           Tell me about yourself?
  •           Did you got job in B.Tech?
  •           Why did you left?
  •           Tell me one reason, why I shouldn't hire you? – He is very much impressed with the answer.
  •           Do you have any other offers?
  •           Do you have any questions?
  •      Hope we will meet at the end of the day
Source: Sreekanth V(M.Tech(IT))

Team F1 Interview Experience

Written test:
1.general aptitude-15 questions(very basic aptitude)
2.Operating System(5-10 question),Computer Organization(5-10 question),C Programming(8-13 question),Data Structures(5-7 question)

Interview questions:
First Round:
  1. write a c program to set/unset/flip the bits of a number
  2. There  is large buffer such that (char *buffer)   Buffer consists of (Type,size of value,value) pairs continuously Type is of length 2Bytes,size of value is 2Bytes,,value is the number of bytes specified as value.  
    Example:     Employee1anveshstudent2anveshkumar  
    Write a C program to read the type size value from the buffer.
  3. Networking TCP/Ip stack concepts

Second Round:
  1. Read a paragraph in c and print sentences in the paragraph
  2. How does a router work and longest prefix match works
  3. What is virtualization and how its done
  4. Write a c program to write number in words
          Example: 1234 one thousand forty five
  5. Unix commands ps,kill,awk
Third Round:
  1. Printf actual implementation
  2. Openstack and openflow
  3. Software defined networking
  4. Reverse a linked list
  5. Linux commands
  6. Why java is platform independent where C is not?give clear explanation
  7. Tcp and udp precise differences
  8. Network layer differences
  9. Double pointer and triple pointer uses
  10. Project
Fourth Round (HR)
  1. General HR
  2. Tell me about yourself
  3. After 5 years where you would be
  4. What if your are not selected
  5. Abroad opportunities
Source: Anvesh Kumar S(M.Tech(IT))