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Sunday, 20 September 2015

TeraData Interview Experience 2015

Technical Round 1:

  1. Write a code to determine the length of a string with and without using Recursion?
  2.  Write a code for binary search tree tand how will you determine the height of that tree?
  3.  What is segmentation fault? Write a program to generate segmentation fault?
  4.  Write a program to check whether two strings are anagrams or not? He asked me to write the code in an optimized way.
    Anagrams: Two words are said to be anagrams of each other if the letters from one word can be rearranged to form the other word.
  5. What does the below function will do?  
    func ( char *str1, char *str2) {
    while( *str1++ = *str2++);
  6. Create mirror image of binary search tree. 
    Refer the following link: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/write­an­efficient­c­function­to­convert­a­tree­into­its­mirror­tree/
  7. I am having 5 million files. How will you find out the lager file(in terms of size) among all the files?How will you solve this problem using MapReduce approach?
In the first round, he asked more about strings and pointers.

Technical Round 2:

  1. Write a code to determine the duplicate elements in the given array and he asked me to optimize the code in terms of time complexity?
  2. Given an array of elements, how will you find out the mean,median and mode?Which is the best data structure to solve this problem?
  3. How will you implement the heap data structure and why we need heeps?
  4. How will you balance the tree? Some questions on AVL tress?
  5.  Asked my B.Tech project in detail and implementation details?
  6. How will you find out the kth smallest element in the given array? He asked me about optimizations? Solutions: 1. Navie approach  2. Heap datastructure  3. Using partitioning approach(Quick Sort idea)
Third approach is the best solution.

Technical Round 3 & HR:

  1. Why quick sort is best sorting algorithm compared to other sorting algorithms. Give your observations?
  2. He given some C puzzles and asked me the output?(Basic C concepts:storage classes and memory management)?
  3. Why TeraData?
  4. Asked project details
  5. What are your future goals?
  6. Asked background, and my personal details
Source: K Chaitanya Priyadarsini (M.Tech IT 2014-16)

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