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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Team F1 Interview Experience

Written test:
1.general aptitude-15 questions(very basic aptitude)
2.Operating System(5-10 question),Computer Organization(5-10 question),C Programming(8-13 question),Data Structures(5-7 question)

Interview questions:
First Round:
  1. write a c program to set/unset/flip the bits of a number
  2. There  is large buffer such that (char *buffer)   Buffer consists of (Type,size of value,value) pairs continuously Type is of length 2Bytes,size of value is 2Bytes,,value is the number of bytes specified as value.  
    Example:     Employee1anveshstudent2anveshkumar  
    Write a C program to read the type size value from the buffer.
  3. Networking TCP/Ip stack concepts

Second Round:
  1. Read a paragraph in c and print sentences in the paragraph
  2. How does a router work and longest prefix match works
  3. What is virtualization and how its done
  4. Write a c program to write number in words
          Example: 1234 one thousand forty five
  5. Unix commands ps,kill,awk
Third Round:
  1. Printf actual implementation
  2. Openstack and openflow
  3. Software defined networking
  4. Reverse a linked list
  5. Linux commands
  6. Why java is platform independent where C is not?give clear explanation
  7. Tcp and udp precise differences
  8. Network layer differences
  9. Double pointer and triple pointer uses
  10. Project
Fourth Round (HR)
  1. General HR
  2. Tell me about yourself
  3. After 5 years where you would be
  4. What if your are not selected
  5. Abroad opportunities
Source: Anvesh Kumar S(M.Tech(IT))

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