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Placement Guidence

1.How To Prepare for the placements

2.List of Companies & what they test you:

Company Name Test Pattern  Model Paper/Interview Experience
Tera Data
Written Test:
C,Operating Systems,Data Structres
Technical Interview:(2 to 3 ronds)
Mostly in Data Structres little bit OS concepts
HR round:
Simply about bond details
Interview Exp1Exp2, Exp1- 2015, Exp2- 2015
(7.5 LPA)
Written Test:
Arithmetic,Reasoning,English(reading comprehension ,grammer), finance
Group Discussion:
Gives one topic and discssion on the topic
HR round:
Concentrates on Some puzzles like sakuntala devi puzzles
Interview Exp1
Cavium Networks
(7.2 LPA)
Written Test:
Mostly C(little endian and big endian,pointers,memory allocation,system calls), Little bit Operating Systems, Computer Organization,Data Structures,Computer Networks
Note: You need to write reason along with putting options. And you may have multiple options for a question
Technical Interview:
HR round:
 Paper,Interview Exp
Mu Sigma
(4.2 LPA)
Written Test 1: 
Complete Arithmetic and Aptitude test
Written Test 2: 
Maths,Programming, Data structures
Video Synthesis:
Shows one video and may ask to write about it or it may be a group dicussion on that.
Technical Interview:
HR round:
(5 LPA)
Written Test: 
Computer Networks, Operating Sysytems, C Programming, Java Porgramming,Data Structues, Database
Technical Interview:
This may b of up to 5 level of interviews based on the company satisfaction about the candidate.
Mostly concentrates on Data structres, Network Programming,OS and may asks the question that you take as written test in the begining 
Interview Experience,
TCS labs
(6.5 LPA)
No Written Test
Shortlisted based on resume (can be impressed with projects )
Telephonic interview(@ their company)
HR Interview
Interview Exp
TCS service
(3.3 LPA)
Written Test:
Arithmetic and Aptitude
One Letter writing
Technical Round:
Its purely based on the Interviewer
HR interview:
General question based on your resume apart from the technical skills
Paper,Exp 2015
IBM labs
(6.5 LPA)
Written Test:
Number series(50%questions)
Aptitude (50%question)
Written Test Technical:
C,Operating Systems,OOPs concepts,Design Patterns, Computer Network basics
Technical Round:
May be of 2 technical rounds
concentrates on java coding
They may ask live coding
Data Structures
Interview Exp
ZEN Technologies
Written Test:
Geometry,arithmetic,C programming(More on Maths)
Technical Round:
More in Maths like Geometry and Programming (Mostly like C lang)
Interview Exp
Vasudhaika Software Solutions
(2.4 LPA)
No Written Test(because total applied students are less)
Technical round:
Asks about Project and some programming questions
Interview Exp
(4.59 LPA)
Written Test:
Paper 1 :Pure Aptitude ,Paper 2: (C programming(80%), rest of the 20% on DS,DBMS and other core subjects
Technical round:
Questions based on Your resume(either C or Java)) and some questions on O.S. But they want C++ programmers
H.R round:
It is  final Technical and other formalities 
Interview Exp
Gnana analytics
(4-7 LPA)
Written Test:
10 programming Questions(You can solve in any Programming language like C,Java,Python)
Technical round:
You will get questions on you code and other questions related to Computer Science core subjects(CN,OS,DS,Database etc)
Note: this will be around 2 hrs
Model questions
Interview Exp
Wells Fargo
(8 LPA)
Written Test:
Paper 1: English(Reading Comprehension, Error Correction)
Paper 2: Reasoning
Paper 3: Numerical Ability
Paper 4: C and DS
Technical round: None of us fulfilled their benchmark in above test
HR round: -No-
Model questions,
(3-5 LPA)
Technical round: 
Round 1 & 2 : Data Structures, Basic Programming, Questions about time complexity of algorithms,Operating Systems,Some coding & asked to reduce the time complexity of the code
Interview Exp
Team F1
(5.5 LPA)
Written Test:
Paper 1: Aptitude and Reasoning
Paper 2(Every Section have 5-10 Qs): Computer Organisation, Data Structures, C Programming, Unix, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Compiler Design
Technical round: Unix & Networking Programming(asked some Syntax of socket programming)
HR round: 
Interview Experience 
(8-12 LPA)
Written Test:
Paper 1: 20 question of technical(simple gate questions)
Paper 2:  2 Programming Questions(You have to code)
Technical round:
HR round: 
Interview Exp
(4 LPA)
Written Test:
Personality assessment(Psychometric Test)
Technical & HR: 
Mostly about Project ,Some NPCI products and Area of Interest(programming,design etc)
Model questions,Interview Experience 
(3.5 LPA)
Written Test:
Will ask some logical(real time) problems to solve(design)
Technical round:

Model questions,Interview ExperienceExp2
Pandora R&D
(3.6 LPA)
Written Test:
Aptitude,Reasoning, Java(collections,programming output,Exception handling),Servlets,JSP, Struts,Hibernates
Technical round 1:
Technical round 2:
Live Coding:

Interview Experience
(3.2 LPA)
Round 1 (Online Test ):
General Aptitude including computer basics
Technical Exam (C Language / PHP / .NET / Java)
Round 2:
Problem solving, flowchart and written English (on paper).
Technical + HR interview:

Interview Experience
Bonaven software pvt. ltd
(8 LPA)
Written Test:
Linux commands,about some open source tools for new technologies
Technical round + HR:
About project, basic OOPs concepts, asks for knows any scripting languages like python, JavaScript and some web applications that you have worked previously or not

Interview Experience
(10 LPA)
Written Test:
C, Data Structures, C++, Aptitude , Linux
Technical round 1:
Technical round 2:

Interview Experience
CDK global
(6 LPA)
Written Test:
 C,Java and other subjects(major is DBMS), Quantitative, Reasoning, English
Group Discussion:
Will test your English
Technical round:
Will cover mostly  OOP concepts, DS and other programming concepts.
Senior Managerial:
Will Test your communication skills and your attitude.

Interview Experience


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