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Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Gnana Analytics Interview Experience

Written Test:
Contains 10 question of programs Click Here. Duration is 6hrs.
Interview questions:
        Single round around 2 to 3 Hrs.
  1. Hash Sets
  2. Java Exception handling try/finally/final/Static
  3. Abstract classes
  4. Abstract classes versus interfaces
  5. Override abstract method of a abstract class
  6. Java over riding and overloading
  7. Run-time and compile time binding
  8. Pyrhon program to find duplicate elements of a array in order of n
  9. Heap sort
  10. Quicksort implementation
  11. Inner, outer right outer joins
  12. Hash function
  13. Big data concepts
  14. Sql vs big data(Why Big data)
  15. K-means clustering
  16. Deletions of double linked lists
  17. Comparator in Java
  18. Compareto function of Comparator class
  19. Hash code of strings
  20. Sql query
  21. Second max salary
  22. Nested Sql queries
  23. Circular Linked List advantage
  24. Program to Sort a Linked List
  25. Unix Commands
  26. Who will do Feature subset selection in datasets(important attributes).
  27. Shell program to count the number of lines of document
  28. Virtualization, OpenStack concepts
  29. ArrayList vs Arrays
  30. Array vs Linked List
  31. Priority Queues
  32. Binary search Trees traversal
  33. Private addressing
  34. Proxy vs reverse proxy
  35. Load balancer vs reverse proxy
  36. Classless addressing
  37. Special ip addresses
  38. Tcp layer/Ip layer description
  39. Java util packages
  40. Free operator
  41. Data mining concepts
  42. Semaphore and Critical section
  43. Threads,array of threads,thread life cycle
Source: Anvesh Kumar S(M.Tech(IT))

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