Written Test:
Contains 10 question of programs Click Here. Duration is 6hrs.
Interview questions:
Single round around 2 to 3 Hrs.
- Hash Sets
- Java Exception handling try/finally/final/Static
- Abstract classes
- Abstract classes versus interfaces
- Override abstract method of a abstract class
- Java over riding and overloading
- Run-time and compile time binding
- Pyrhon program to find duplicate elements of a array in order of n
- Heap sort
- Quicksort implementation
- Inner, outer right outer joins
- Hash function
- Big data concepts
- Sql vs big data(Why Big data)
- K-means clustering
- Deletions of double linked lists
- Comparator in Java
- Compareto function of Comparator class
- Hash code of strings
- Sql query
- Second max salary
- Nested Sql queries
- Circular Linked List advantage
- Program to Sort a Linked List
- Unix Commands
- Who will do Feature subset selection in datasets(important attributes).
- Shell program to count the number of lines of document
- Virtualization, OpenStack concepts
- ArrayList vs Arrays
- Array vs Linked List
- Priority Queues
- Binary search Trees traversal
- Private addressing
- Proxy vs reverse proxy
- Load balancer vs reverse proxy
- Classless addressing
- Special ip addresses
- Tcp layer/Ip layer description
- Java util packages
- Free operator
- Data mining concepts
- Semaphore and Critical section
- Threads,array of threads,thread life cycle
Source: Anvesh Kumar S(M.Tech(IT))
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