Written test
Duration-90 mins, Total questions=75(55 technical + 20 aptitude), No negative marking
1. Mainly consist of questions from data structure and algorithms. Question related to sorting algorithms, Preorder traversal, postoreder traversal, Output of some C programs realted to array, pointers and recursion.
2. Questions based on basic concepts of java and C++ like abstract class, constructer etc.
3. Aptitude section consist of 20 questions. it will require more time so manage your time accordingly.
Attempt atleast 5-10 questions from aptitude.
1. Introduce yourself and tell something which is not in your resume.?
2. As i have mentioned DS & ALGO my favourite subjects. They asked me to explain quick sort with example and when it is better to use quick sort.
3. Explain bubble sort with example and its time complexties .
4. How u r getting these complexities.
5. Normal questions regarding whether you are interest in Development or Testing.
Some other question asked to other students in Interview
1. Explain B+ tree.
2. Projects mentioned in the resume.
source: Ram sharma(M.Tech IT)
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