Written Test :
- 20 Technical questions (Gate range that covers OS,DS,C,CN)
- Aptitude – 1 hr
Technical Interview(1-3 rounds) :
- How to find the middle element in a linked list
- Reversing a linked list
- Merge sort
- All pairs shortest path program but they did not mentioned name they told procedure and asked to write program
- Explain logic of quick sort
- Write a program to print prime numbers up to 100.after writing program they asked twice to optimize that program.
- What is deadlock and deadlock prevention method.
- In a programs are asking for WRITE permission for a single file then what will happen
- How we implement a graph in program and data structure used for it.explain with example graph
- They asked a logical question about candles. U have 2 vessels which measures 5 lts and 2ltrs how will u measure 4 ltrs using only these 2 vessels.
Source: Y Varalaxmi(M.Tech(IT))
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