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Saturday, 15 November 2014

HSBC Interview Experience

1. Tell me, what’s going on?
2. What is your area of interest?
3. Do you play football or basketball?
4. Suppose there are 64 cricket teams and there is knock out match. So how many matches they need to play to decide the final winner?
5. What strategy did you apply?
6. Can you write a C function for this? (as I mentioned my area of interest is C)
7. Today is 26 August, Tuesday. What was the day 4 months ago? Tell me only the strategy and also   write C function for this.
8. Suppose a program is given, which language you will prefer between C and C# and why?    (I mentioned both languages in my CV)
9. Can a Statistical model be developed by C?
10. Why should we hire you?
11. I am done from my  side, if you have any question you can ask.

Suggestions: - Here are some suggestions what I experienced-
1. They are mainly focus on your logical thinking to solve problems. That’s why they are asking 1 or 2 puzzles to everyone. So focus on solving the puzzles.
2. They are also asking question from your area of interest as you said during your interview. So be careful what you    are going to mentioned and make sure you are strong enough.
3. They also asked about the final year M.Tech project. So have some idea what is your project is all about and how will you go further in your project.

Source: Aditya Malviya (M.Tech(IT))

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