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Wednesday, 11 November 2015

CDK Global Interview Experince

Written test: 
  • 50questns - 60min - no negative marking 
  • 30 Quantitative, Reasoning, English
  • 20 Programming (C,Java) + subjects(major is DBMS)
Group Discussion: 
completely based on English
Went for 50 min approximate.
  1. Asked to explain my project. Asked 5-6 research questions in my project(why this happens, what if something happens, what of that fails etc)
  2. Code related to my project( database connection and sockets connections)
  3. Cohesion n coupling, spiral model vs waterfall model, different testings.
  4. Duplicates in doubly linked list program.
  5. Program of Doubly linked list insertion at a particular index.
  6. Given a sentence write a program to reverse each word without an extra array. 
  7. Given a sentence write a program to to reverse each alphabet upto a particular given index and the rest of the sentence should be normally printed. Asked to optimise the code for 3 times.
  8. DFS and BFS and their applications.
  9. Program on Febinoci series without recursion in two ways and with recursion. 
  10. Why object oriented? Procedural lang Vs Object Oriented languae, Concepts of OOP and examples.
  11. Different access specifiers and their working.
  12. What is user defined data types, structure and a sample program. Difference between class and a struct.
  13. Gave 3 puzzles(i did two and one partially).
  14. Why have you chosen Java as your comfortable lang rather than c?
Senior Managerial:
For me its just for 10min. They are testing not only your communication but your attitude and your confidence at a particular situation.
  1. Given a situation and asked what will you do if your are there.
  2. Why have you chosen M.Tech? What was the most interesting question asked for you and y its interesting for you?
  3. Why are you comfortable with Java?
  4. Justify yourself that your acts and decisions are perfect all the time so far in your life (  he is impressed n ans was appreciated )
Note: for this round just don't go with the question try to answer differently and frankly what you think.
  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Tell me about your family background.
  3. How passionate you are in coding?
  4. Have you given up on any program?
  5. Will you help and also take help from others if required even if you don't like that person in personal ?
  6. What are your hobbies in technical and non technical side ? discuss why?
  7. Why M.Tech? Y didn't u go for a job after B.Tech?
  8. What is difference that can you observe in yourself from B.Tech to M.Tech as a human not in technical(He appreciated my ans )
  9. Any current offers ? Y are u leaving your current offer?
  10. In which way u think CDK is apt work place for you?
  11. Where do you want to look yourself in long term and short term how will you achieve them?
  12. What are your motivations in technical and non technical ?
Source: Yeswanth M.Tech IT(2014 - 2016)