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Friday, 10 April 2015

One Convergence Interview Experience

Interview Questions :
As my area of Interest was Unix Network Programming so he started asking from that.
  1. Difference between file descriptor and file Pointer?
  2. Suppose a process reads/writes something from a file and the same content should be printed on the console.How you will do?
  3. How does printf and scanf work in the background ?
  4. Suppose a parent process open a file for reading and later forks a child process.Then from where would the child process begin reading in the file(either from start or after some bytes)? Explain what will be the difference when file is opened once using open and later using fopen ?

Then he saw my resume again, and started asking from C and OS(as it was mentioned there).
  1. He gave me a structure and asked me the sizeof() of that structure.
  2. Then he asked me the complete concept of Structure Padding in detail(within memory).
  3. He asked me the concepts of Internal and External Fragmentation.
  4. What is Paging , and Segmentation related concepts.
  5. Bit manipulation related Questions :
    1. Suppose you have a decimal number then write the logic to find the number of 1's in its binary.
    2. Asked about all the bitwise operators and their uses.
  6. Asked about strings and to implement strcmp.

 These all questions were asked in first round(around 45 minutes).

Source: Aditya Singh(M.Tech(CS))

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Bonaven Interview Experience

Written Test :

Total Five Questions each one has sub questions except one .

Questions :

  1. Linux commands : 
    1. list the directories in the file. 
    2. Identifying the string in a file . 
    3. store the web page when URL is given. 
    4. Linux command for test the connectivity with www.google.com.
  2.  Open source   and some Tools .give the name of open source tools in given field
    1. Databases 
    2. Web servers
    3. Operating systems
    4. Word processors.
    5. No SQL databases.
    6. Integrated Development  Environment ‘s. 
    7. APIs
  3.  In Facebook social networking , there are 100 users and u have friends . now write a program/Algorithm for updating the NEWS feed from every friend and show on your wall . Answer : Well try by your self first .i wrote like this ,first there are two threads in the user side. One which  sends the News to our friends list which is based on time stamp (say every 10 or 20 secs) .second which collects the News feed  which are sent by our friends. Now  if we plot the connections between the friends we will get the Graph which are used to represent our friends connection with us. The News feed sent to another friend has an id using this we can identify them from preventing the duplicate news. Once a friend receive our news will check if it already with him it will discarded .if not he (his thread) will send to another friend connected to him so it will become broadcast type . (it means the news feed already sent to him and send to another friends also through this everybody can get information and send ) . this was my answer and I gave a program of c code which just give abstract how it works (no implementation ). Well you write more if u can it was time up moment to I end it here.
  4. Write about following : 
    1. Mutual exclusion. 
    2. Paging 
    3. Web Services 
    4. Remote procedure calls(RPC) 
Technical + HR interview:

  1. In which programming your are good?                                                                                    Ans. Java and learning python.
  2.  What is Decorator (python)?
  3. Difference  tuple and List (python)? 
  4. Constructors  I java ,new operator ?
  5. Difference between       Add  a ;       Add  a = new Add();
  6. Different types of Inheritance?
  7. How can we achieve multiple inheritance in java?
  8. Difference between Interface and  Abstract ?
  9. How many different ways for implementing  (Multi) threads   ?
  10. How  can we implement the Synchronization  between  threads?                                        Ans. a) Synchronize blocks , procedure  b) lock object  before accessing
  11. Code the synchronization of threads using mentioned above methods?  
  12. About project 1 min?
  13. Areas of interest? 
  14. How much salary you expect ? 

Source: Rahul Kuntala(M.Tech(I.T))